Saturday, June 5, 2010


I LOVE SUMMER.  There are no words to describe just how much my love for summer is, but it's a lot. 

I LOVE the sunshine, the warmth, the green grass, bright flowers.  Star-gazing, warm sunsets, and the warm summer rains.

I LOVE the adventure summer brings.  Mischeif, sneakyness, laughing because we know we're pathetic. (Also, our treasures we collect -a.k.a. Herby the Half Shopping Cart.)

I LOVE my girls. Along with our adventures, man do we know how to be funny.  I guess when it's 4 in the morning, anything can be funny(:

I LOVE the memories.  So many great memories are made each and every summer.  Think about it.  How many memories happen in the summer? Like 80%.  At least.

I LOVE the party's.  Craziness, random, themed (yet to come.)  Everyone together, having fun, making the most of our time.

I LOVE the pictures.  What better time to take tons pictures than in the summer?

I LOVE the laziness.  No worrying about what you look like.  Just throw on some basketball shorts and a t-shirt, no make up, and your hair in a pony tail, and off you go.  Love it.

I LOVE friendships.  It's funny how during the school year, you'll know someone but never talk to them, and then in the summer you end up becoming close friends!  Or, how you meet someone for the first time during the school year, and you become closer. 
I LOVE my friends.  Period.

Last but not least. . .

I LOVE       well you can figure the last one out (;
                          <---------  haha

Needless to say, Summer is my kind of season.  More time with family, friends.  A time to start fresh, have new opportunities, and just have a good time.


2 things said about my life:

Amy said...

Hey Lex, So, how do you feel about Summer?

Alexa said...

i LOVE it. :)