Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Beginning of Many to Leave

Ignore the aweful picture of me, but I just can't believe it.  One of my very best friends since the 7th grade just got his mission call. Carlsbad, Cali! I'm so proud of him and all the hard work he has done to prepare for this.  What an amazing missionary he will be, and what an incredible tool in the Lord's hand. I feel so grateful to be surrounded by young men who are strong in the gospel and who strive to serve the Lord.  Conner is the first of many to leave behind everything he has, and put the Savior as his one and only priority. On August 29 the MTC will gain one of the most amazing young men around.  Congratulations Conner!

These are two other incredible young men that will be leaving me to bring light unto the world in the future. How blessed I am!

0 things said about my life: