Friday, November 20, 2009

LoT's To mEnTiOn :)

I haven't updated forever! Where to start, where to start.
Well, I'm not exactly sure when this was, but Dylan and I went with my mom, Caden, and his friend to Sophia and Luke's fundraiser carnival and helped out there! It was a huge success, and our car ride home was pretty dang interesting :)
p.s. the picture of Dylan and I is one of my all time favorites!!

Lately, us siblings have been weird as usual... surprise surprise ;)

Last night Lori, Ashley, Chalese, Leti, Mom, and myself went to Iggy's for dinner, and then to the pre-screening of New Moon!!! Best movie EVER!!! We had SOO much fun! It was nice to have a girls night! We are definately doing that more often!

Below is my lemonade compared to everyone elses drinks. Yeah, I'm cool like that. It's ok to be jealous ;)
just kidding
Oh, and by the way, I am marrying Jacob Black. End of story. Sorry girls. mwhaha He's MINE.

(sorry for the grainy picture)

And can I just add, I miss how things used to be... high school changes suck.

Before I forget, If you drive the streets of Ogden and the area surrounding Ogden, BEWARE. Ashley has a car :) and we like it :)

0 things said about my life: